The company you keep can either build you up or tear you down. We've all encountered people who seem to support us on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper, you realize they aren’t as trustworthy as they claim. You don’t need those people in your circle. The quicker you can get them out—or avoid them altogether—the better. The last thing you need standing between you and your goals are shady people. If you want to grow to your fullest potential, you’ve got to be selective about who you let into your inner circle.
Here are five types of people you cannot trust:
The Doubters Disguised as Concern
These people are the sneakiest. They seem like they’re just "looking out for you," but their so-called concern is nothing more than a shield for doubt. They question every move you make, not to help you think things through, but to cast doubt on your ability to succeed. They’ll say things like, “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” or “I just don’t want to see you fail.” They act like they’re trying to protect you, but deep down, they’re afraid you’ll actually pull it off. Their doubts reflect their own insecurities. Don’t let their constant questioning damage your confidence. Stay alert around these people. They pretend to have your best interests at heart, but their concern is more about holding you back than helping you move forward.
The Talkers, Not the Doers
Actions always speak louder than words. There’s nothing worse than someone who says they’re going to do something but consistently fails to follow through. Whether it's in business, friendships, or relationships, if someone’s words don’t match their actions, they’re unreliable. A person who can’t be counted on to keep their commitments is someone you should distance yourself from. Observe them long enough, and you’ll notice they’re all talk. I don’t care how big their plans sound—if they’re not putting in the work, they’re just wasting your time. People like this are draining, and worse, they can stand in the way of your own progress.
The Saboteur in Disguise
You’ve likely met this person before. They’re the ones who say they want you to succeed but secretly do everything they can to derail you. They might smile in your face and act like they’re on your team, but behind the scenes, they’re undermining your efforts. Maybe they talk behind your back, sabotage your work, or give you bad advice disguised as help. They act like they’re rooting for you, but in reality, they want to see you fail. These people can be hard to spot at first, but once you see the pattern, you have to cut them out immediately. They’re not just untrustworthy—they’re dangerous.
The Accountability Dodger
This is the person who never admits they’re wrong. No matter what happens, it’s always someone else’s fault. They make excuses, shift blame, and somehow, in every scenario, they’re always the victim. People who can’t take accountability for their actions will throw you under the bus the first chance they get. They’re the type who will mess up and then find a way to make you responsible for it. Trust is built on honesty and accountability—without those, there’s no solid foundation for any relationship.
The Insult Disguised as a Joke
This person gets a kick out of taking cheap shots and plays it off as “just joking.” They hit you with backhanded compliments or jokes meant to put you down. These little jabs are often disguised as humor. They laugh it off, but deep down, they’re trying to chip away at your confidence. It’s usually subtle, but over time it adds up. If someone constantly masks insults as jokes, they’re not being funny—they’re being disrespectful. Real ones build you up; they don’t tear you down under the guise of humor.
Surround yourself with people who genuinely want to see you win—people whose actions match their words, who hold themselves accountable, and who lift you up instead of tearing you down. The truth is, trust is earned. Once someone shows you they don’t have your best interests at heart, believe them the first time. The quicker you cut the deadweight, the better. Your success and growth depend on the company you keep, so choose wisely.
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